Tag / Emergie

  • Sueneé Universe Valery Uvarov 23. – 24.11.2019 v ČRVstupenky zde: http://www.suenee.cz/vstupenky VALERY UVAROV ABOUT THE “CYLINDERS OF THE PHARAOH” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdqTX4zv9w0&fea „The Truth is Somewhere nearby “ of 07/08/2013 https://youtu.be/e5rLkKG5sa0 Mechanism of negative energy https://wandstore.ru/wor-en Project Wands of Horus https://wandstore.ru Home-Office pyramids https://newpyramids.store/ebnerauto-en Pyramid Project https://newpyramids.store/pyramidproj… Positive and negative experience in building pyramids https://newpyramids.store/experience-… Project „Cosmic Baby“ https://cosmicbaby.ru/english SVCS Studio CS Soňa Ludmila Csiffáry

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